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Project Summary :


Xseedflix is a web application tailored for Metaxseed Games, designed to provide users with an enticing preview of their gaming content. This platform draws inspiration from leading streaming services, offering a curated selection of game previews accompanied by convenient links to access the full gaming experience.

Technologies Utilized:

- Frontend Development: Next.js, CSS, TypeScript (tsx)

- Backend Data Management:

Key Features:

1. Streamlined Main Page:

The main page of Xseedflix boasts an intuitive design. Users can navigate seamlessly, enjoying a familiar browsing experience.

2. Admin Panel:

Administrators have access to an efficient admin panel. Here, they can add new game previews, adjust their order, and manage their visibility, ensuring a streamlined content curation process.

3. Engaging Game Previews:

Users can explore a thoughtfully curated collection of game previews. Clicking on a preview activates an interactive display, providing a tantalizing glimpse of the full gaming experience.

4. Efficient Data Management with Sanity:

All essential data is stored efficiently in Sanity, guaranteeing robust performance and reliable data retrieval.

Made with 💜 and Next.js