Hi, I'm Olawande

Frontend Developer & Technical Writer

Specializing in creating and explaining the frontend of websites , which plays a crucial role in making the final product successful. I write guides, blog posts, and articles about frontend development and blockchain.

project images

I like to create soild and scalable frontend websites with great user experience

  • Ether.js
  • CSS3
  • ThirdWeb
  • Javascript
  • React.Js
  • Next.Js
  • SCSS/Sass
Get to know me!

I work as a Frontend Web Developer. My focus is on creating the frontend of websites and web applications to make them successful. You can see some of the projects I've worked on in the Projects section. I also enjoy sharing what I've learned during my years of working in Web Development. You can find helpful content about Web Development and Programming on my hashnode profile

Made with 💜 and Next.js